Provided By KW Blog
What an enormous leap forward into the future you have challenged us with, and what an extraordinary opportunity it’s been for all of us. With any new challenge, new leaders emerge, and that has certainly been the case during this transition phase. To those of you who have dug in, downloaded eEdge 101, attended classes, taught classes or even stepped up as your market center’s eEdge ambassadors, thank you! We appreciate your leadership, your energy and your example more than you can imagine.
A technological undertaking of this magnitude requires patience – as well as perspective. As he’s done so many times before, Shaun Rawls has risen to the occasion with his characteristic clarity and perspective. Here’s an excerpt of what Shaun wrote a few weeks to members of the Rawls Group in Atlanta, Ga.:
“Being a pioneer is never easy. It’s hard because it’s never been done before and there are plenty of people who like pointing out the cracks in a foundation whose cement hasn’t even had time to dry. Being a pioneer is about cutting down trees to create roads upon which people will one day drive 60 miles per hour, in the comfort of automobiles with air conditioning. The launch of eEdge and the promise of what eEdge is certain to become is a gift of pioneering proportions. And best of all, it’s a gift to me and you, the people of Keller Williams Realty.
As with any change, there are those who push back on the change, those who remain neutral and there are those who embrace the vision of the benefits of change and seek first to find them and capitalize on them.
For fifty cents a day, you and I will have a complete set of technology tools never before seen in the real estate industry – $15 per month for technology that no one else in the industry has. When completely rolled out, the technology will likely save you as much money in gas as you spend on this product.
I’m really proud of this company for having the courage to tackle this initiative for our agents. And I’m really proud of all of you who have looked for, found and embraced the benefits of something incredible and new for your business.”
Thank you Shaun! We couldn’t agree more!
Yours in embracing the benefits of something incredible and new for your business!
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