Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Overflowing Kindness at our Core

Provided By KW Blog

It’s been more than a month since we said our final goodbyes to each other in Anaheim as Family Reunion 2011 drew to a close, but the experience is as near to my heart today as it’s ever been.

What a blessed privilege and profound joy it is for me to be in the company of so many people who get it. You get that Keller Williams annual convention is about more than opening our minds to new ideas, new ways of doing business and new possibilities. It’s also about opening our hearts. The “Called to Serve” theme of this year’s Inspirational Brunch resonated with us in many different ways, and that’s what made it so special. It would be easy, of course, to dismiss the stories of those among us who felt called to take their compassion and their convictions way beyond the limits of what was expected, and to say, “That’s great for them, but I just don’t have the money … or the time … or the talent.”

But that’s not how you responded.

What we heard from you was that heartfelt feats of kindness and the ability of overcome enormous obstacles were reminders of the magnificence that surrounds us and the opportunities we face every single day. Or in the words of Plato: “Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.”

You may not be in a position to fund a much-needed surgery or finance the education for a stranger who is holding down two jobs just to make ends meet. But what we can do is make sure that we go through our lives with our eyes wide open, ready to give an encouraging word, or even just a friendly smile that says, “I see you. I recognize you as a member of the Family of God.” And then to be open to where that might lead.

Joanie Cowan, associate at our Roseville market center in California is among the multitudes of Keller Williams associates who “got it” after this year’s Family Reunion. In an email to me following the event she wrote:

“When I walked out of the Inspirational Brunch I asked myself, “how could you not want to be associated with this? How could you not want others to experience what we have? It is a place we can grow spiritually and grow in our careers. It is a place we learn to give to others in need and it is a place to learn. To learn to be better at what we do – to be better people and better agents to serve all of the people who come into our lives.”

Thank you Joanie, I don’t think I could have said it better myself!

Keller Williams Family Reunion is all about becoming better in every way, and that’s actually the foundation upon which our entire company has been built. I believe that this is the spirit that drew you to Keller Williams Realty in the first place, and it’s the spirit that continues to draw the best talent in the business to your market center.

My dear Keller Williams family, together we have built the second largest real estate company in the United States, but what makes my heart truly soar is the fact that we have built so much more.

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