While leads are vital to your sales business, seller listings are critical to your ability to build it to its highest level with the lowest costs and highest net. Top producing real estate agents grasp the incredible advantages of making obtaining and marketing seller listings their primary-lead generation focus and they do so almost exclusively. Here are six reasons why you should concentrate your energy on the high-return, high-leverage business of listings.
1. Seller listings mean marketing opportunities.
- You get to put a sign in the front yard (and maybe directional signage as well).
- You get to market the listings through direct mail and email.
- You have more control over your time.
- You get to market the listings through direct mail and email.
- You have more control over your time.
2. Sellers don’t always have the do-it-right-now urgency that buyers demand, so you should be able to control your scheduling.
3. Seller listings maximize your per-hour compensation. It usually takes a lot less time to obtain and market a listing prior to its selling than it takes to show for and sell to a buyer.
4. Volume, volume, volume. A highly focused, highly leveraged real estate agent can work 15 to 25 seller listings per month. And keep it up. The same agent would be hard-pressed to work seven or eight buyers per month and continue to do so over a long period of time.
A highly focused, highly leveraged real estate agent can work 15 to 25 seller listings per month. And keep it up. The same agent would be hard-pressed to work seven or eight buyers per month and continue to do so over a long period of time.
5. With seller listings you are on the frontend of pricing, which translates to an intimate knowledge of the market.
6. Properly marketed seller listings bring you more business. Because of the multiple marketing opportunities that are part of the listings process, on average, one well-marketed listing will generate one serious buyer who buys. So, if you focus on obtaining and marketing seller listings, you should be able to get all the buyers you need. It’s the real estate industry’s version of the “twofer.”
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