Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Arm Yourself with the Facts

Provided By KW Blog

Are your clients ever stuck on one piece of information – one statistic, one headline, or one anecdote – that threatens to get in the way of taking positive action and moving forward?

The culprit might be a recent headline suggesting that home prices are going to continue to drop, or a conviction that this is a bad time to sell, or a story about a friend or family member who got burnt on a recent real estate transaction.

The shifted market has given rise to some raw emotions and difficult conversations as clients try and make sense of the market and get a handle on what to do next. Our job is to help them to see the big picture, and decide within the context of all the facts how they are going to move forward. That’s what separates good agents from awesome agents and there is only one way to get there: spend some time with the numbers.

Early in my career, I made a commitment to digging beneath the surface and understanding the critical interactions that drive the real estate market. I’ve never lost my fascination for the facts behind the headlines, and today I believe that Keller Williams Realty’s sharp focus on research and an understanding of the big picture is central to what sets us apart as a company. It was also our motivation behind the creation of the KW Market Navigator. In one volume we have interpreted a year’s worth of KW Research findings for both the United States and Canada, and combined it with the data from my annual Vision Speech – in a graphically compelling format that’s actually fun to read.

When clients come to the table with concerns and opinions, you need to be in position to move the conversation forward with facts – facts on subjects such as how to beat the odds in a buyers’ market, the degree to which “green” features enhance the value of a home, staging strategies, and the prevalence of distressed properties in the current market.

If you haven’t already done so, I strongly urge you to order a copy today – at the bargain price of $5 for KW Associates – and keep a few extras on hand to share with your sphere.

More so than ever before, our clients are looking to us for knowledge, expertise and reassurance.

The 2011 KW Market Navigator offers a wealth of all three, and it’s the fastest way I know for real estate professionals to get briefed on the big picture.


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